DIY Dreamer Ritual

DIY Dreamer Ritual
A little while ago I felt the urge to bring more intention to my every day, and so I sat quietly and thought about things that bring out the best of me! I was inspired by a new design I had just created called THE DREAMER, and while wearing it I decided to create a Dreamer Ritual for myself – a special formula of awareness and adjusting little things within my environment that foster a space of creativity and progress.
✰ Sound: Turn on the "Simply Piano" playlist on Spotify
✰ Smell: Diffuse Frankincense oil in the space
✰ Touch: Find a spot where the sun rays are on my face (hitting my third eye)
✰ Taste: Tulsi tea in my mug using the ROCK DIFFUSER
✰ Sight: While holding the crystal, I repeat my favourite mantra: I AM MORE THAN MEETS THE WORLD, THE POWER OF THE UNIVERSE RESIDES WITHIN ME. Sometimes I write it down – seeing it, and repeating it, really helps to capture and deepen the essence of the mantra.
I spend three intentional minutes breathing in deeply and it is a #gamechanger for me!
This simple ritual has had such a powerful and positive impact on me and my life that I decided to create a tool for you to discover your own personal ritual that you can use. Below is a link to download the template!
See it in action HERE
Need more inspiration?
When I first shared my ritual at a time of the DREAMER necklace launch it got such an amazing response and many of you created your own rituals! So, I put together a little library for you to explore, see what works for others, and sparking your own inspiration and ideas. I hope they guide you to discovering new ways you can create an atmosphere where you feel a deep sense of belonging.❤︎

Music - I use soothing music, especially ones of nature sounds (or better yet sit in nature, close my eyes and take in the sounds) or songs that suit the mood that I’m in.
Crystals - using the energy from these precious stones helps to rebalance the energy within me. Wearing these precious gems is useful + beautiful at the same time. Pictured is the newest piece by @rockingvibe called DREAMER.
Essential Oils - Using #doterra oils aromatically, topically and internally to assist my mind , body + soul in all the ways. I adore to diffuse or wear any of these beautiful blends: doTERRA Balance, doTERRA Hope + doTERRA Cheer!
Journaling or jotting down a few things that are on my mind + heart
Pulling a card (or three) to get specific spiritual guidance for my day.
Meditation + listening to the spiritual guidance that comes to me.
Holding a vision, a foresight into a world that is yet to be. A world full of only love + peace . And what my part is in it.
I’m continually working on this, my journey is forever unfolding

In times like these we’re not seeing as many people, not like we used to anyway.
I love being around people- but I also love my time to myself.
I think I’ve had quite a bit to myself over the last while!
Honestly I’ll put on one of my fave RV pierces,
My favourite essential oil on my wrists and neck,
And head out for a morning coffee and a trail walk with my husband.
We make a point to go where we know there’s other people around as well,
With my RV necklace or bracelet it’s like I’ve got an old friend along with me.
Even on days we don’t want to - especially those days, we get ready and go!
Totally changes our state and starts me off on the right path for the day

✰ Sound: Music is always calming to my soul and I can feel my energy shift as I tune into my own intuition. My favorite jam recently has been Peace Be Still by Hope Darst. “Alexa, play music by Hope Darst…” is usually how it starts out. ;)
✰ Smell: All of the essential oils! Lately I have been drawn to Grapefruit, Bergamot, + Black Spruce. A drop in my palm inhaled, eyes closed, deep breaths. That’s where the magic happens!
✰ Touch: Cuddles with my kitten with us both wrapped up cozy in a blanket is my favorite type of physical touch. Also, when not in hibernation mode, I love the feeling of warm sun on my skin. The best way to recharge with nature.
✰ Taste: I LOVE any sort of silky, smooth drink! A coffee with coconut milk and cinnamon or a hot tea with lemon. I feel so warm + fuzzy inside when I indulge in a warm drink. It seems as if I can feel it warming my soul + soothing my heart!
✰ Sight: I love to be out in nature! A walk in the park, sitting poolside with the sun shining on me, anything outside where I can look around and take in the beauty is where I find I connect to my best self and can re-center myself best.

✰ As soon as I wake up I give thanks for the day. Another day to reinvent myself and contribute to those around me.
✰ I make a warm cup of apple cider vinegar and sit and look out the window at the birds
✰ I put on my run gear, my favourite tunes and head out for a jog/run (singing along to the music, paying attention to my surroundings, appreciating nature and all its abundance and being thankful for my body giving me the ability to move like this). This is often where I receive downloads for new ideas and thoughts- some relevant to the current day and others to put into action for another day.
✰I wrap up the run with some gentle yoga/stretching, shower and put on my favourite RV crystal- the amplifier.
Then I begin my day, ready to rock my vibe, with my soul fueled and my style lit!

When I am stressed, I put on my diffuser and diffuse some eucalyptus and journal everything that is bothering me, followed by a list of things I am grateful for. From there, each item that is bothering me, I narrow it down to "does it really matter?" If it doesn't really matter, it gets crossed off my list. If it does matter, I write a positive solution next to each one. I shut my notebook and go for a walk. By the time this is done, I am stress-free!

✰ Get out in nature. Even if it's your backyard and feel that grass between your toes.
✰ it (or lie) and focus on deep breaths. Place one hand on your heart and the other on your belly... And breathe!
✰ Feel the sun, wind or even the rain on your skin.
✰ Listen... To the birds, the wind, your breaths.
✰ And finally, and likely the hardest part... Shut. It. Down. Your brain, your phone, the running to do list... The noise. For these few minutes, let your mind quiet and just be still.

I start the day by choosing a piece to wear from my Rocking Vibe collection.
Each piece has a unique intention that I set before adding it to my outfit of the day where it acts as a constant reminder to manifest my intentions and what I want in life. My Inferno Gold piece is my motivation intention to get sh*t done like the boss I am, pushing me to take action toward the projects and adventures calling my soul. My El Mar Grande piece is my abundance intention of aligning me with even more energy of wealth and abundance in my life. My Sphere piece is my clarity intention to serve as my third eye to help put my desires into focus, showing me my path, and allowing me to get crystal clear on not only what I want in life, but how to make it happen.

You are needed!
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
We created this for you to help you foster your big dreams in bold ways.
For you to use your passion and expansive curiosity.
For you - the traveller that embraces this journey between where we come from and where we go.
No time to waste