Organic Body Scrubs Under 5 Minutes
Luxury home-made scrubs with natural ingredients
Scrubs are an important part of my beauty routine because they exfoliate by sloughing away impurities, ridding my legs of razor bumps, and making sure that my lotion more effectively absorbs into my skin. My only problem is that I run through them so quickly – especially in the winter-time when the climate is dry and my skin feels tighter and drier than usual. I learned that it’s easier to make scrubs at home – it’s cheaper, it’s essentially free, and it’s a bit kinder to the environment since I can purchase reusable containers without any inside plastic or packaging. Here are two of my favorite scrubs to make with ingredients found around the house.

Personally, I recommend making this concoction with olive oil – the scent is not as overpowering as mineral oil and it leaves skin feeling supple and hydrated, even after you’ve soaped up and rinsed off. I would also recommend staying away from coconut oil if you have acne prone skin – but if your skin type tolerates it well, then this is definitely the nicest smelling of the three. You can also add a few drops of essential oil in Vanilla, Shea or Coconut for a nice fragrance. (Do you love essential oils, too? Check out our new necklace that makes you carry your oils everywhere just like our best-seller Equilibrium.)
I really love using a coffee scrub everyday because I can use a single filter of coffee and have enough to last me a month. It also feels so decadent on the skin. If you haven’t incorporated coffee scrubs into your regime, then you’re missing out!
Coffee Scrub Ingredients
1 cup of used coffee grounds
1 cup of olive oil, mineral oil, or coconut oil
Optional: 5 drops of essential or body oil in Vanilla, Shea, or Coconut
A word of warning,
While coffee scrubs make your skin feel heavenly, they will make a bit of a mess of your tub. Create with caution, especially if you have to share a bathroom with roommates. If this turns you right off of the coffee scrub craze, fear not, because you can also make scrubs with…
Raw Sugar Scrub Ingredients
1 cup of raw sugar or brown sugar
1 cup of olive oil, mineral oil, or coconut oil
Optional: 5 drops of essential or body oil in Vanilla, Shea, or Coconut

The same principle applies here: a cup of raw sugar or brown sugar mixed with three fourths of olive, coconut, or mineral oil (or all three if you’re so inclined) and a bit of added fragrance.
Ta da! You now have a luxurious shower scrub, with no mess.

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