Align with the mighty moon goddess

By Lisa lopes

I have been working and aligning myself with the lunar cycle for quite a few years now. When I feel a bit out of whack I tend to ask myself 'where are we in the lunar cycle?' And usually I can pin point where I am based on the moon. You see when we work with this goddess energy, essentially we are tuning into cycles. Goddess energy is cyclical, with a spiral being a great descriptor of the journey to our inner knowing. When we are aware of the different phases of the moon and we attune ourselves to each cycle, we allow our inner truth to lead the way. The goddess in the sky rules feminine energies and intuition, working with her strengthens our 'natural' instincts.
Not all of our activities follow such a short cycle, however, choosing days to launch projects, dream weave, start or end programmes, regimes, whatever that is you are faced with plans can be timed with the moon to harness its benefits to our advantage. 

Why would you want to Work With The Moon’s Phases?

Let's tap into each phase. 

First Phase – The New Moon

New Beginnings ~ Waxing Moon ~ Getting Bigger and Brighter


The start of the cycle, this is where it all begins. This is the best time to acknowledge your goals, write a to-do list, an abundance cheque or think about what you’d like to create (and invest into new crystals). It’s a time perfect time to dream weave, work on new projects, to clarify and work on your 'WHY' or make initial contact if you are wanting to collaborate with someone. Bring ideas into consciousness but don't launch them – wait until the First Quarter to do that.

Second Phase – The Crescent Moon
Getting Into the swing of things and starting to rock your vibe. Moon is still getting Bigger and Brighter. 
During this two weeks of the waxing Moon, our Goddess' light is increasing and she’s building her beauty. During this time, its perfect to start projects and add actions to your intentions you made during the New Moon. Gather energies to help you on your way, bring new things, people and tactics into your life, you're building up your foundations.

Third Phase ~ The First Quarter

Making Strides ~ Waxing Moon ~ Still Getting Bigger and Brighter

This is a time to be ambitious! Take Action!

Focus on really accelerating the progress of any projects you’re working on. It is essential to take forward moving strides, really catch onto the abundant growing power of the moon and the momentum that’s underway.

Phases of Moon

Fourth Phase – The Gibbous Moon

Last Push of the Waxing Phase 

The Gibbous Moon occurs three days before the Full Moon, so we’re building up to the time of fruition and maximum energy. The moon will soon be at its peak so now is a time to be constructive, adding to what has been building for over a week. You've got this!  

Fifth Phase – The Full Moon

Celebration! The Moon Is Biggest And Brightest In The Sky

The Full Moon is a time when we’re naturally accelerated. Emotions are heightened and energy is flowing and things will naturally come to a head.  It’s a great time of gratitude and releasing whatever it is that is ready to be let go. 

Sixth Phase  – The Disseminating or Waning Moon

The Party’s Over,  Moon is Reducing In Size
From Full Moon to New Moon, the Moon’s light is decreasing. She’s losing her form. This is the time to let go, release and retire. Introspection is best. 

Remove anything from your life that is no longer serving you. This might include the discarding of old habits, saying goodbye to toxic friendships, closing a business or leaving a relationship. It’s not usually considered the best time to start a project during this time, it’s more about tying up loose ends. 

Seventh Phase - The Last Quarter and is Reducing In Size

This is the second-to-last phase of the Moon, and during this time, you want to take those loose ends from the last cycle and really and truly finish up. If your contemplating ending something, this is your chance!! During the time from the New Moon to now, you will have become aware of certain things in your life that could be released. The Last Quarter gives us fantastic energetic support to break negative patterns.

Final Phase – The Balsamic Moon 

aka as the Dark Moon

Still Waning And Decreasing In Size

The moon is in its Balsamic phase for the 72 hours before the New Moon. During this time it’s in its ‘dark moon’ phase of the lunar cycle, and it’s a really good window to take time out to meditate, contemplate and completely wind down. Relax, Rest And Retreat. Close off, really let go and go inward. This is the most introvert stage of the cycle and privacy is paramount as you clear your head before you launch into the next new cycle. During this time practice something that symbolically allows you to bring new things in – clean your house, spend some time alone. Clear the clutter. Try this out for a few months and see how quickly you can attune yourself to  her rhythms. 


Nine of Water

She offers individual therapy sessions, group workshops, and practitioner training.