The BRAVE necklace: inspired by many and ready to serve you!

The BRAVE necklace truly came about from a personal need. Building a brand, especially if you haven't done it before, comes with obstacles and challenges (like anything else worth doing). In order to overcome self-doubt and my natural fear of failure, I always remind myself of my WHY and draw encouragement from brave humans in my circle. 

I am also a huge believer in keeping tokens of mindfulness that resurface my strength and inspiration when doubt creeps in. My recipe for personal bravery is:

clarity (the WHY) + encouragement + reminder tokens = bravery

I’m grateful to be surrounded by many incredible people. Below are five individuals whose bravery in the face of overwhelming adversity encourages me to push on! 

They chose to share their bravery with you, and my hope is that their stories and the BRAVE necklace will serve you as much as they did me! 

 p.s. One day, when the time is right, I will share with you the story that inspired this piece. But for now, I want to share my WHY — something far more important in this moment! My reason to stay BRAVE is knowing that walking away from something because of fear would teach my children that it’s okay to give up and settle when things get tough. I’m choosing to lead by example and be BRAVE so when the time comes for them to face challenges – and it will – they will know how to stand up for themselves. 

What’s your WHY? 

5 people who inspired the bRAVE


Entrepreneur and leader.

Sharing her BRAVE moment that changed the trajectory of her life. 



World renowned make up artist.

Sharing her BRAVE moment of choosing to following her passion



Digital Marketing expert. Sharing her brave moment of moving abroad at the age of 21 to chase new opportunity. 



A mother, a wife, a leader.

Sharing her BRAVE moment to perceive adversity.



Mother of 4 and entrepreneur.

Immigrated to Canada with a new born 7 years ago.



This story is not ready to be told yet but the time will come...