Knowing + Embracing {07.27.18 Moon}
The Full Moon with a Lunar Eclipse (in the sign of Aquarius)
It is breathing change into our lives. There will be shifts in our surroundings, relationships and beliefs.

This can be a time of drastic and sudden endings and beginnings. You'll experience situations that are out of the blue so that we are able to evolve.
Full Moon is a time to complete, release, heal and empower ourselves.
Whatever shift of perception arise - it comes to help you discover and pursue what you desire. These revelations are cosmic energy sprinkling your path! This is the time to set a path and follow it. Be direct, be courageous but watch for aggression. (Being open and honest in your relationships with others will be important in moving forward.)
Ask yourself the following questions and look within for answers:
How do you want to empower yourself?
How do you choose to communicate with yourselves and the worlds around you?
How do you embrac your calling?
Your answers hold the key to not only evolving yourself but in turn healing the world. Use the light of the moon for clarity - it can help clear up some of the uncertainty surrounding partnerships, career path or even living environment.
Full Moon Eclipse Mantra Ritual:
“I believe that there is a bright future coming to me.
I trust in the unfolding.
I release all that no longer serves me, my goals or my dreams.
I open to all that supports my growth and expansion.
I embrace the doorways opening to transform my life.
I embrace the love that flow openly to my heart.
I invite total health and healing to my body, heart, spirit and mind.
I trust the intuition that guides me from deep within.
I open my eyes to the synchronicity shown to me from the Universe.
Miracles flow to me in every breath. So it is.
By: Lisa Lopes
Lisa is an Energy Therapist, Magick maker and a lover of love. She is an amazing tool to have in your back pocket.