Days For Girls Press Release

DAYS FOR GIRLS is a global movement, preparing and distributing sustainable menstrual health solutions to women and girls, who would otherwise miss school and other opportunities during their monthly periods.
In support, ROCKING VIBE has created the CHARITY bracelet for the DAYS FOR GIRLS movement. This bracelet references the contribution made by the wearer to helping women, worldwide, find their freedom to soar.
You have the power to change women's lives
by spreading awareness through social media.
Share you knowledge and the DAYS FOR GIRLS' mission, because girls and women do great things when they are given a chance.
You can access the shareable media files below.

A crystal quartz reminds the wearer how some resources are found in excess while others are not.
The string of pearls represent the resource that connect us all - water.
Finally, a red feather accent represents the DAYS FOR GIRLS' mission for equal opportunity for women around the world.
I let my heart beat bold and wild I never settle, a fierce child. My spirit is unchained, soul set on its course.
I am a passionate, courageous force.